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Will and Trust Disputes

Florida Will Contest Attorneys

Last will and testamentA death in the family often brings out the worst in people. Distant family members may come out of the woodwork to claim that they are entitled to part of the estate. Legal disputes over wills and trusts not only create financial uncertainty, they are emotionally draining, as well. Whether you are the person disputing a will or the person fighting to preserve its intent, emotions run high and are exacerbated by confusing probate laws. Our Florida will contest attorneys at Searcy Denney have the experience to see you through emotional logjams, to review relevant documents and laws, and to advise you of your legal rights . . . honestly, respectfully, and compassionately.

We Understand Will and Trust Disputes Can Be Doubly Upsetting

We understand that just the prospect of our own or a loved one’s death prompts psychological turmoil, sometimes pitting generation against generation and tearing families apart.

  • Wills and trusts may be disputed by individuals who feel unfairly excluded from the decedent’s estate.
  • As they are dying, well-intended people may make decisions about their estates in conditions of physical infirmity or emotional confusion, when they may not be truly competent to make these decisions.
  • In some cases, a decedent may have been persuaded to make changes in a will or trust by someone who does not have his or her best interests at heart.

Our Florida will and trust dispute lawyers have the experience and the trained investigative teams to analyze these claims and situations. For example, we can evaluate the will and trust in question to determine whether they are valid under the applicable laws. We can evaluate the decedent’s medical history to determine whether he or she was legally competent at the time of signing the will. And if you fear that your loved one was subjected to pressure from someone seeking to take advantage of his or her age or infirmity, we can help you learn whether your fears are founded.

Our Florida Will Contest Attorneys Are Sensitive to Your Needs

Our attorneys, paralegals and professional staff at Searcy Denney understand the common pitfalls associated with will and trust litigation and the sensitivity required in seeking resolution. We promise to listen carefully to your concerns and to answer your questions – no question is unimportant. Our goal is to help you make informed decisions about estate litigation and reach an agreeable solution for your dispute.

If you or a family member needs assistance with a will, trust or probate dispute, please fill out our Contact Form or call us at 1-800-780-8607 to arrange for a confidential free consultation for one of our Florida will contest attorneys. 

Hear What Our Clients Have To Say

"The attorneys and staff at Searcy Denney are some of the most compassionate and caring individuals I have met in the legal field. They work tirelessly on behalf of their clients to ensure the best possible outcome. I would highly recommend them for anyone who is seeking excellent legal representation."
Posted By: Lauren Schumacher