It has been done in Mississippi, Florida, and in New Brunswick, Canada. Governmental bodies have finally realized that if they have a cause of action, involving complex litigation, why pay exorbitant hourly fees? Instead, why not hire plaintiff oriented firms who are skilled in working under contingent fee arrangements? Why […]
Author: SearcyLaw
The US and Canada have stopped all imports of Chinese made toothpaste, because it contains diethylene glycol (DEG). DEG is a chemical commonly used in antifreeze. Now, there are reports that counterfeit Colgate toothpaste is being distributed. Although the origins of many containers of this counterfeit toothpaste are unknown, it […]
In a stunning replay of last year’s Bausch & Lomb contact lens solution recall, another manufacturer of a solution for cleaning and storing soft contact lenses is participating in a “voluntary” recall of its product. But this company, Advanced Medical Optics, is not going without a fight ( May 30, […]
Automakers are a formidable force to oppose and alleging their product to be defective is a certain way to cause them to circle the wagons. Donna Grimes and her family discovered just how tough fighting a battle with an auto maker can be when she took on Ford Motor Company. […]
Tainted dog food and now defects in a product that propels humans at high speeds in vehicles that crash and are known to cause significant injury and death. Chinese tire manufacturer, Hangzhou Zhongce Rubber Co., chose not to add a gum strip that binds the treads together. Tire separation in […]
$21.6 Million Verdict – Palm Beach Post $21.6 Million Verdict – Sun-Sentinel Article FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Searcy Denney Law Firm Secures Victory for Victim’s Family West Palm Beach, Fl. – (June 21, 2007)– South Florida law firm Searcy Denney Scarola Barnhart & Shipley PA (Searcy Denney) announced today that a jury […]
Every time voters are asked to consider a referendum that limits citizens’ constitutional rights to seek justice from wrongdoers, the same catchy phrase echoes the airwaves: “Stop frivolous lawsuits!” Well, who wouldn’t buy that? “Frivolous” has little weight or importance, has no sound basis, lacks seriousness. Paris Hilton is frivolous. […]
The public relations spin on recent public health disasters caused by harmful food or drug products prompted me to think about what the word “voluntary” means in this context. For example, the consumer advocacy website reports, “Days after its Peter Pan peanut butter and its generic counterpart, Great Value, […]
Railroad accidents, while not as common as those involving trucks and cars, are often the most gruesome. We are fascinated by television footage of flattened railroad cars, scattered belongings, and shell-shocked passengers. But when we’re in a hurry, it is tempting to ignore the flashing lights at a clearly-marked crossing […]
At the end of April, the FDA showed signs of coming to its senses on COX-2 inhibitors and voted 20-1 to reject Merck’s application for the painkiller Arcoxia. Like its parent painkiller Vioxx, Arcoxia was associated with increased cardiac risks in randomized clinical trials. Public Citizen’s Dr. Sidney Wolfe, director […]