When a defective car part causes an accident or injury, the consequences can be devastating. If you or a loved one have suffered due to a faulty automobile part(s), you may have the right to file a product liability claim to recover damages. Below, our product liability attorney discusses how […]
Category: Mass Torts
If you have a claim against a drug company, automaker or other product manufacturer, asserting your legal rights may involve filing a mass tort claim. In this situation, you may not be the only one who is entitled to financial compensation, and mass tort claims allow multiple plaintiffs to seek […]
Dangerous products are far more common than they should be. Despite manufacturers’ and retailers’ obligations to avoid putting dangerous products on the market, numerous people suffer serious and fatal injuries caused by defective products every year. These products range from home goods and personal electronics to implantable medical devices and […]
When you take a medication your doctor prescribes, the last thing you expect is for it to do more harm than good. But, unfortunately, medications are not always as safe as they should be. In fact, some medications have been linked to serious health risks—including the risk of cancer. Why […]
Many prescription drugs have side effects. In fact, drug companies frequently include a list of side effects on their drugs’ labels and packaging (not because they want to, but because they are required to do so under federal law). Patients should read these lists carefully, and they should make an […]
Each year, drug companies recall numerous drugs that they have marketed to patients and healthcare providers in the United States. These recalls come despite drug companies’ obligations to thoroughly test new drugs before bringing them to market and despite the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) role in approving drugs […]
Dangerous drugs are a very real concern. They shouldn’t be, but they are. Each year, dangerous drugs harm countless patients across the United States, and tragically, they cause numerous deaths that could—and should—have been avoided. If you or a loved one has been harmed by a dangerous drug, what are […]
Adverse reactions to prescription medications are alarmingly common. As a result, if you have experienced an adverse reaction to a drug that your doctor prescribed, you are not alone. Reporting adverse reactions allows for nationwide tracking, and this helps the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) determine when recalls are […]
When manufacturers sell dangerous products, they can—and should—be held accountable. As consumers, we rely on manufacturers to put safe products on store shelves, and we expect to be able to use the products we buy without a risk of harm. Unfortunately, manufacturers don’t always do the right thing. Manufacturers regularly […]
Hair relaxers that contain parabens, formaldehyde and other chemicals present serious health risks for their users. This is well-known, and it has now been proven in multiple scientific studies. Yet, manufacturers continue to sell these products without clearly disclosing the risks their use entails. With this in mind, if you […]