According to the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, Bausch & Lomb is involved in a lawsuit against its insurance companies arising out of the ReNu with MoistureLoc lawsuits. The Democrat reports that attorneys for the insurers maintain that Bausch knew about the problems with its ReNu with MoistureLoc causing infections to […]
Author: SearcyLaw
I am a former Buckeye and I guess things have not changed a lot since I left in the mid-eighties. Then, as now, the Supreme Court prtected Big Business, while sacrificing the rights of individual citizens and, well, here they go again! The Columbus Dispatch reports that in a 5 […]
Joe Camel and his Big Tobacco crew crash landed in front of the US Judicial Panel on Mul-District Litigation. Big Tobacco had sought to convince the panel that all cases filed or removed to federal court should all be sent to multi-district litigation.
Is the phrase, a government “of the people, by the people, for the people” in the constitution? Popular belief is yes, but it is not actually in the constitution. Rather, this phrase comes from President Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg address. It is probably a concept that should have been incorporated into […]
Proponents of tort reform continue to distort the facts of the McDonald’s hot coffee verdict in their ongoing nationwide attack on the civil justice system. Public opinion has been unfairly influenced by these distortions. The full story of this $2.9 million verdict needs to be told. In the McDonald’s case, […]
First it was the Engle case. You may remember that this is the case in which the Florida Supreme Court vacated a punitive damage verdict against Big Tobacco in the amount of $145.8 billion. The Supreme Court, however, also ruled that thousands of Florida smoking victims could file individual lawsuits […]
There has been a significant amount of press about recalls of toys that contain illegal levels of lead paint. These recalls have hit a chord with the public, because it underscores the fact that products for our children made by even the most well known companies are being manufactured in […]
The AFX News reports that between 1998 and 2005, an analysis of FDA data reveals triple the number of complications and mortality from pharmaceutical, supposedly regulated, drugs. If those statistics are accurate, dangerous side effects and deaths from medicinal drugs are out of control. So, when the FDA “approves” a […]
The short answer is no, most are not hard hearted people. Most are, however, people who have not had significant tragedy enter their life and have lived a reasonably content life. By significant tragedy I am not talking about Aunt Jane passing away from old age or even the loss […]
We like to believe that good people will speak up for the voiceless and powerless, and we count on government and the media to speak out when unscrupulous corporate profitmongers take advantage of people who can’t fight back. Personal injury lawyers are proud of the role they play in helping […]