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Abuse in Foster Care and Other Child Welfare Settings

Representation for Victims of Abuse in Foster Care and Other Child Welfare Settings

If you or your child has been abused while living in foster care, it is important to understand your legal rights. It is also important to understand that you are not alone. Sadly, the statistics show that sexual abuse in foster care is alarmingly common, with one study finding that 81 percent of girls living in foster care have experienced sexual abuse at least once. Boys living in foster care frequently fall victim to sexual abuse as well, and regardless of a child’s age or gender, there are no excuses for sexual abuse under any circumstances.

Our foster care sexual abuse lawyer helps children and families who are struggling to cope with the effects of sexual abuse in foster care and other child welfare settings. Our practice in this area is led by Adam Hecht, a former Assistant State Attorney who now dedicates his career to helping victims secure justice. Mr. Hecht has extensive experience handling cases involving sexual abuse in foster care and he can use his experience to fight for the outcome you or your child deserves.

Understanding What Constitutes Sexual Abuse

Sexual abuse can take many different forms. While many cases of sexual abuse involve clear instances of harassment or assault, more subtle acts can constitute sexual abuse as well—and they can have equally serious consequences for children who have been abused. We strongly encourage you to speak with a Florida foster home sexual abuse lawyer if you have experienced (or if you have concerns about) any of the following:

  • Coerced Sexual Acts – Any type of coerced sexual act constitutes sexual abuse. This is true not only in the foster care setting but in all other settings as well. Coerced touching, oral sex, sexual intercourse, and sexual speech are all forms of sexual abuse. If you felt pressured to do anything against your will, we strongly encourage you to speak with a lawyer at Searcy Denney.
  • Exposure to Sexual Content (i.e., Pornography) – Exposure to pornography or other sexually explicit content also constitutes sexual abuse in the foster care setting. Children should not be forced to view sexual videos, photos or other content under any circumstances.
  • Inappropriate Touching – Inappropriate touching also constitutes sexual abuse. While this includes fondling of children’s private parts, it can include other forms of unwanted touching (such as massaging) as well.
  • Rape – Rape is a serious crime under all circumstances, and it can have serious and long-term psychological consequences for victims. If you or your child has been raped in a foster home or other setting, we can assist you with seeking help, and we can take all appropriate legal action on your behalf.
  • Sexual Exploitation or Sex Trafficking – Children living in foster care may also experience abuse in the form of sexual exploitation or sex trafficking. Being forced to engage in sexual activities with anyone of any age is a serious form of sexual abuse for which children can (and should) seek protection and other appropriate remedies.
  • Verbal Sexual Harassment or Abuse – Verbal sexual harassment or abuse can involve making sexually explicit or suggestive comments, requesting sexual acts, or making a child feel uncomfortable about his or her appearance or refusal to engage in sexual conduct.

These are just examples, and to take action, you do not have to have experienced unwanted sexual conduct or sexual acts. If you have received requests or threats, if you have escaped an attempted rape or sexual assault, or if you need help for any other reason, we strongly encourage you to contact a foster care sexual abuse lawyer right away.

How a Florida Foster Care Sexual Abuse Lawyer Can Help

We offer several forms of assistance to sexual assault victims and their families. Once you get in touch, our lawyers will be able to:

1. Intervene to Protect You (or Your Child)

We can intervene immediately to protect you (or your child). Our lawyers can communicate with the foster care agency or foster home on your behalf, and we can communicate with the police as warranted. We can help protect you (or your child) today—and we can get started as soon as you get in touch.

2. Take Appropriate Legal Action

One of the ways we can help is by taking appropriate legal action on your behalf. Regardless of whether the police make an arrest or the Florida Department of Children and Families (DCF) intervenes, you may still need to take legal action to ensure that you (or your child) receive the maximum protection that is available.

3. Work to Hold the Foster Home or Foster Care Provider Accountable

We can also work to ensure that your (or your child’s) foster home or foster care provider is held fully accountable. In foster care sexual abuse cases, victims will frequently be entitled to financial compensation for:

  • Medical expenses (including mental health treatment)
  • Social work and other support services
  • Other out-of-pocket costs
  • Pain, suffering and mental anguish
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Other financial and non-financial costs resulting from the abuse

Once you get in touch, we will arrange for you to speak with one of our lawyers one-on-one. Your lawyer will explain everything you need to know—including the options you have available and the financial compensation you may be entitled to recover. Your lawyer will also provide the advice you need to feel confident in your decision-making, and then your lawyer will take appropriate legal action on your behalf while guiding you through your next steps.

We strongly encourage you to contact us right away if you have any questions or concerns about sexual abuse in a foster home or other child welfare settings. Even if you are not sure whether you need help or if you’re a parent wondering about the next steps, a foster care abuse lawyer at Searcy Denney can help you understand your situation and give you advice with your best interests in mind.

FAQs: Taking Action Against Sexual Abuse in Foster Care and Other Child Welfare Settings

What Can I Do if I Have Experienced (or My Child Has Experienced) Sexual Abuse in Foster Care?

If you or your child has experienced sexual abuse in foster care, you can—and should—hire a lawyer to help you. At Searcy Denney, our lawyers have extensive experience representing victims of sexual abuse in foster homes and other child welfare settings, and we can take appropriate legal action immediately to protect you or your child. Statistically, someone who has been abused in the past is likely to abuse again, so it is important that you seek help promptly.

How Much Does It Cost to Hire a Lawyer for Sexual Abuse in Foster Care?

Hiring a lawyer for sexual abuse in foster care costs nothing out-of-pocket. Your initial consultation is completely free and confidential. If you decide to hire a lawyer after your free initial consultation, we will not charge you any fees or costs during our representation. If we help you recover just compensation, our legal fees and costs will be deducted from your recovery. Otherwise, you owe us nothing.

Talk to a Florida Foster Care Sexual Abuse Lawyer at Searcy Denney for Free Today

If you need help, we can arrange for you to speak with attorney Adam Hecht at Searcy Denney today. This costs you nothing, and all information you share will be held in strict confidence. Call us 24/7 at 800-780-8607, email, or tell us how we can contact you online and we will be in touch as soon as possible.

Hear What Our Clients Have To Say

"The attorneys and staff at Searcy Denney are some of the most compassionate and caring individuals I have met in the legal field. They work tirelessly on behalf of their clients to ensure the best possible outcome. I would highly recommend them for anyone who is seeking excellent legal representation."
Posted By: Lauren Schumacher