Florida medical malpractice statutes are a great deal about procedure and less about substance. As in many states, Florida citizens have suffered the removal of legal rights under Florida’s medical malpractice laws by legislators with specific agendas other than the improvement of citizens’ lives. More often, business and insurance lobbies […]
Category: Medical Malpractice
Please just take a moment to concentrate. Close your eyes and try to imagine that you are lying back in a bed. This bed has not had the bed clothes changed for a while and you are currently laying in feces and urine because you are not able to get […]
It is disappointing when otherwise intelligent, insightful people simply choose to ignore facts and fail to protect the very people they have sworn to serve. It is no secret that many industry-wed lawmakers have been working for a long time to place damage caps on injuries caused by the negligence […]
A 2009 study published by the New England Journal of Medicine analyzed almost 12 million Medicare beneficiaries and found: 20% of patients were readmitted within 30 days of discharge 34 % of patients were readmitted in 90 days of discharge 67.1% of patients percent were readmitted one year after discharge […]
Every day on TV, we are bombarded with advertisements urging us to purchase numerous prescription and over-the-counter drugs that will cure everything that ails us (and even cure diseases and conditions unknown or non-existent prior to drug company marketing efforts). Do these medications really work? Do they cause more harm […]
Following published reports and extensive media coverage regarding egregious behaviors in the medical profession, public awareness of physician and hospital errors has increased. Despite that increased attention, data suggests that the rate of reporting by physicians is lower than it should be. In the JAMA July 14 issue, one of […]
New studies show that hospital deaths increase sharply in July causing a “July Effect”. The study illustrates the need for patients to practice caution while accepting medical care in that month or over the weekend days. A recent study by the University of California at San Diego demonstrates that fatal […]
In legal cases, a term regularly shows up: “standard of care”. It is talked about, defined and ruled on by the court. In many state statutes, the term is defined as something similar to: “that level of care, skill, and treatment which, in light of all relevant surrounding circumstances, is […]
In his June 11, 1963 civil rights address, President John F. Kennedy confronted head-on the unfair treatment of African Americans in our society under our then-existing system of laws. President Kennedy, in imploring Congress to pass fundamental civil rights legislation, stated: “…the old code of equity law under which we […]
Recently, a woman was impregnated at a fertility clinic with another woman’s embryo. The woman has decided to give birth and give the baby to the biological mother. This preventable and heart breaking mistake should not have happened. There have also been mistakes in which parents have had their eggs […]