We have now written about the general environment of e-discovery and some of the rules surrounding e-discovery and electronically stored information (ESI). Now, let’s talk a little about document/data location (search) and collection. First, know that collecting (search) document and data evidence has completely different perspectives depending on whether you […]
Category: Law Technology
When might a legal case involve extensive discovery, including electronic discovery (e-discovery)? Suppose you sue a corporation and want to obtain documents/data (Request to Produce), information from the corporation itself (Interrogatories) and information from employees of the corporation (depositions). What might the subject matter of the lawsuit involve: Breach of […]
A lawsuit is filed…and that is often when the real work begins for all the parties involved. In some cases, neither the plaintiff nor the defendant has all the proof; documents, data and other types of evidence; they need to fully prove their respective cases. So, each party is allowed […]
There is no question that technological changes have revolutionized discovery in civil litigation, particularly in cases where the parties seek large volumes of documents from their opponents. Medical device and pharmaceutical litigation come to mind. How to manage so-called “e-discovery” is on the minds and lips of many lawyers. In […]
We have left the age of “document management” in litigation. The forms that information takes are no longer limited to paper or to the physical world. Rather, information now occupies digital repositories of varying forms and types. We are now faced with obtaining and managing “knowledge”, rather than “documents”; information […]