This report is confusing to the many people who know from experience that taking the anticoagulant Pradaxa (dabigatran) is more dangerous than warfarin (Coumadin), the treatment that’s been the standard of care for decades. According to a published perspective in the online March 14, New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), […]
With about 10,000 metal hip lawsuits filed around the country, jury selection in the second trial involving the DePuy ASR (Articular Surface Replacement) hip is underway in Cook County, Illinois with opening statements to begin mid-month. Meanwhile the jury is considering the evidence presented in Los Angeles Superior Court in […]
Last month, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued a Safety Communication to set some general guidelines for physicians and patients who have metal-on-metal (MoM) hip implants. Last month the agency also issued a proposed order that would require MoM hip manufacturers to submit premarket approval (PMA) applications before they […]
Apparently, the FDA will expedite its abbreviated 510K approval process. The medical device industry is painting this as an improvement in the device approval process, but at what cost? And, for who is this expedited clearance process an improvement? According to an analysis from the medical device consulting company Emergo […]
A patient with a metal-on-metal or any hip replacement that causes symptoms or problems requires that the individual become his/her own best advocate. First, make an appointment with an orthopedic surgeon for evaluation which includes not just a physical exam but an examination of fluid around the joint/ soft tissue […]
It is a problem usually associated with aging. A hip joint can deteriorate with additional weight, after trauma or due to disease such as arthritis. For the sufferer, the symptoms may be difficulty walking, pain, stiffness and eventually hip replacement surgery. Whether a total hip replacement (THR) or a hip […]
In one of the largest studies of its kind, researchers have determined that women have a slightly elevated chance of needing a hip revision before a man. Researchers from Kaiser Permanente looked at 35,000 hip surgeries in 46 hospitals within their healthcare system. While men had an average of 1.9 […]
One would like to think that physicians put their patients first. After all, they make a good salary and should not be swayed by some incentives thrown their way, right? Maybe, in some cases, the answer is no. A group of researchers at the University of Pennsylvania wanted to find […]
It is so interesting to delve into how a corporation thinks. Not in that they think like a person – even though the U.S. Supreme Court recently gave corporations First Amendment rights – but in that they groupthink. Take the case of transvaginal mesh. A trial is underway in Superior […]
When our clients discover that their metal-on-metal (MoM) hip has failed and never went through U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval for safety and efficacy, they ask – how did that happen? Most Americans do not understand that medical devices are largely unregulated, even for those devices that are […]