The Florida Supreme Court vacated a substantial verdict totaling hundreds of billions of dollars against some of the giants of Big Tobacco. So, how is it that the Court showed courage? Could it be that they showed courage because they vacated a verdict they knew could be attacked by the […]
Category: Product Defect
According to the “Independent” (a UK newspaper), noted diabetes researcher, John Buse, literally pleaded to have the “dogs called off”. Apparently, the dogs were owned by GlaxoSmithKline and their growl included threats of a multi-billion dollar lawsuit against the physician. Allegedly, Dr. Buse had the temerity to criticize the drug, […]
On May 25, AMO (Advanced Medical Optics) announced a recall of their “No Rub” solution, Complete® MoisturePlus ™ Multipurpose Solution. Although the company stands by its product and casts the blame on contact lens wearers who “improperly store, disinfect or handle” their contact lenses, the CDC forced them to recall […]