The U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s crackdown on Big Tobacco continues. The agency sent warning letters to 55 point-of-purchase locations that sell cigarettes and related products in an effort to underscore newly passed regulations that make it a crime to purvey those cancer-causing items to anyone younger than 18. Related […]
Category: Product Defect
Statistics on smoking released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show Big Tobacco relentlessly pursuing almost every facet of society to get consumers to light up. The cigarette industry targets children, women, ethnic groups and minorities with marketing strategies that still seem to work. Today, one out of […]
Samsung’s products are injuring consumers with each passing day as cases of exploding cell phones and washing machines continue to mount. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (USCPSC) has received nearly 100 reports of overheating Galaxy Note7 mobile devices linked to more than one dozen instances of burns, in addition […]
After a decade of receiving several black eyes over failed metal on metal implants, the orthopedic device industry is bracing itself for a second wave of metal failure related embarrassment. The metal on metal debacle resulted in tens of thousands of unnecessary revision surgeries due to metal poisoning. Many of […]
Stryker V40 Femoral Heads (CoCr) Associated With Spontaneous and Catastrophic Head-Neck Dissociation Stryker may face yet another crisis associated with their total hip replacement medical devices – and this time it may be related to its large LFIT-V40 chrome/cobalt heads. These heads have been reported in medical literature to potentially […]
On September 27, 2016, the Department of Health Therapeutic Goods Administration (the Australian equivalent of the Food & Drug Administration) issued a hazard alert relating to LFIT Anatomic CoCr V40 femoral heads manufactured and marketed by Stryker. The LFIT V40 femoral heads are made of a cobalt and chromium alloy and […]
There have been some very recent developments in the national litigation regarding the erectile dysfunction (ED) drug Viagra and the allegation that its use increases a patient’s risk of developing melanoma. Judge Seeborg, the federal judge appointed to oversee all of the Viagra cases filed in federal court from across […]
Plaintiffs in two separate federal bellwether cases against General Motors (GM) have won their claims against the automobile manufacturer and its faulty ignition switches. The settlements involve two women who were seriously injured while driving at low speeds and suddenly lost control of their vehicles. In one case in Virginia, […]
What’s in a name? According to a trio of plaintiffs who in June 2016 sued cereal maker Post, a lot more than Shakespeare’s Juliet would have Romeo believe. The three class-action complaints center on a name – “natural” – that the food manufacturer uses to describe its products, specifically Shredded […]
I want “all natural” in everything I consume. Why? Because it is better for you. Right? What does natural mean to us? “Unaffected”, “genuine”, “native” “natural”. All clean feeling words that provide the impression that something is good for you, or at least its natural and so it not bad […]