Our greatest asset is our children. As parents, we strive to provide them with the safest and healthiest environment possible. We spend a great deal of time researching the schools they will attend, including the daycare centers where we leave our toddlers for the better part of five days a […]
Category: Blog
In case you missed it during the 2008 presidential primary news blizzard of the past few months, which has consumed the front page of newspapers nationwide, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has once again failed to protect the American public from harm caused by pharmaceutical drugs and devices. Choosing […]
Finally acting on last fall’s huge voluntary recall by most manufacturers of cold and cough medicine, the Food and Drug Administration warned today that giving over-the-counter cough and cold medicine to children under the age of 2 could potentially kill the child. After studying the issue for months and noting […]
If you are one of the estimated 15 million Americans who will have a surgical procedure this year, pay attention, please! You and your loved ones may thank me later. Every single time anyone has a surgical procedure performed, whether the surgery is life-saving or elective, there are risks involved. […]
According to the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, Bausch & Lomb is involved in a lawsuit against its insurance companies arising out of the ReNu with MoistureLoc lawsuits. The Democrat reports that attorneys for the insurers maintain that Bausch knew about the problems with its ReNu with MoistureLoc causing infections to […]
I am a former Buckeye and I guess things have not changed a lot since I left in the mid-eighties. Then, as now, the Supreme Court prtected Big Business, while sacrificing the rights of individual citizens and, well, here they go again! The Columbus Dispatch reports that in a 5 […]
Reports of three children fracturing their skulls after falling out of the popular foam Bumbo “Baby Sitter” seats have prompted the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) to recall approximately one million of these seats. The CPSC has received 28 reports of young children falling out of the seats including […]
Joe Camel and his Big Tobacco crew crash landed in front of the US Judicial Panel on Mul-District Litigation. Big Tobacco had sought to convince the panel that all cases filed or removed to federal court should all be sent to multi-district litigation.
A horrifying story has come to public light due to the inexplicable overdosing of Dennis Quaid’s new born twins with a 1,000 times overdose of a very dangerous blood thinning drug called Heparin. According to an L.A. Times story the Chief Medical Officer at Cedars-Sinai, where the error occurred, called […]
You go to your local pharmacy to have your prescription filled, just like you have a number of times before. You give the handwritten prescription to the young person behind the desk and they return with your prescription, complete with a label on the front and the pre-printed instructions in […]