A recent study published by scientists in Victoria, Australia provides even more compelling evidence that post-operative use of pain pumps in patients undergoing shoulder surgeries is a bad idea. A number of researchers have noted that patients who utilized post-operative pain pumps which bathed their shoulder joints with anesthetic drugs […]
Category: Blog
The “Good Old Days” are gone when crops were organically grown, we lived off the land and grew our own produce and raised our own farm animals. Our environment has become crowded; we have factories that mass produce our food items; and our water, in some instances, has become contaminated […]
I saw recently that a U.S. Senator had sponsored a bill to have the FDA regulate the Tobacco companies. According to an article in June 12, 2009 Washington Post newspaper, the bill was sponsored by Massachusetts Sen. Edward M. Kennedy. It seems the FDA has had poor success in regulating […]
In most states, insurance departments regulate “big dogs”, but in Florida, our insurance commissioner is forced by law to regulate only “pups”. It is a scam of monumental proportions permitted by Florida law and it is the citizens of our great state that pay for it. What are “big dogs” […]
On 6/17/09 the FDA issued a “warning” to the Zicam manufacturer Matrixx after receiving a number of reports through MedWatch of serious injury or illness. MedWatch is the FDA’s “new and improved” reporting mechanism, cited in the three-page letter to Matrixx they have received in excess of 130 reports of […]
Finally, the State of Florida has enacted an equestrian helmet law that requires anyone under the age of 16 to wear a helmet while riding a horse on public roads. Nicole Hornstein, a 12 year old Palm Beach County girl died in 2006 after her horse stumbled and fell causing […]
The news spread like wildfire of the voluntary recall by Iovate of Hydroxycut due to reported cases of serious illness, death, or liver failure . The confusing part for consumers is that Iovate voluntarily recalled a number of their products and that the FDA did not institute a ban as […]
For a consumer, a press release of a recall or ban of a product is thought to be in real time, when in fact some perceived “recalls” or “bans” have been years in the making. Another not well known fact is that a perceived recall or ban may be neither. […]
In March 2009, President Barack Obama appointed long-time public health expert Dr. Margaret A. Hamburg, who will succeed Dr. Andrew von Eschenvach, who has led the highly criticized agency since 2005. In a statement by Steve Mister, President of the Counsel for Responsible Nutrition (“CRN”), “the more than 150 million Americans […]
To the level we see them today; perhaps not. What the Founding Fathers did recognize is to have a civilized society, there must exist some avenue for the redress by citizens of wrongs; whether perceived or real. Judicial economy dictates that some control must be given over to the Courts […]