Bicycling is one of the great American family pastimes, one that is becoming increasingly popular. It’s no wonder: Biking is a low-cost way to get where you want to go, stay fit, have fun, and even help the environment by reducing your carbon footprint. But bicycling is becoming increasingly deadly […]
Category: Do You Know?
There are few areas in medicine today more fraught with contention and high emotion than the issuance of a DNR – do not resuscitate – order on a patient. The purpose of this article is to review the inauguration and history of DNRs, to state the current law in Florida […]
On May 6, 2011 the FDA ordered twenty-one artificial hip manufacturers to conduct an extensive investigation into whether the devices cause heavy metal poisoning in patients who receive them. Following up on medical reports of excessive levels of cobalt and chromium found in patients who received a particular type of […]
We all know that accidents can and do happen unexpectedly, even to the most careful drivers and under the best of circumstances. At Searcy Denney Scarola Barnhart & Shipley PA, we know that it’s not really an accident when automobile manufacturers negligently disregard your safety by hiding known defects and […]
You can’t rely on “bedside manner” alone! Before choosing doctors, give their credentials and record a thorough checkup. Few decisions are more critical than choosing the physicians who hold your health, sometimes even your life, in their hands. This is a very personal choice, one that warrants research and careful […]
When choosing an attorney, you should check qualifications and experience – and make sure your case will get the attention it deserves. Too often, you need a lawyer because a problem has arisen unexpectedly: a catastrophic auto accident, a business deal gone wrong, a death or injury from a defective […]
A hospital is a place where miracles happen, where human hands join science and technology to fix broken bones, remove cancerous tumors, and battle all manner of nasty diseases. At the same time, hospitals can be intimidating and downright scary: Long sterile corridors full of gurneys and workers in identical […]
Download Printable PDF Checklist Don’t be dismayed by insurance industry jargon and the pages of confusing forms that auto insurance companies provide – this is not rocket science! With some basic information, you can choose confidently an auto policy that meets your state’s legal requirements, your financial situation, and your […]
What could be more innocent and wholesome than toys . . . dolls with golden curls and sky blue eyes, teddy bears that talk when you pull a string, china tea cups straight out of the Mad Hatter’s tea party, miniature beams and arches that build Eiffel Towers. Americans see […]
Most of us rely on our doctors to keep track of what we might call the technical elements of maintaining our health. After all, it is the physicians who understand and act on the x-rays, MRIs, mammograms, PAP smears, and batteries of blood tests that write our medical history from […]