Generally speaking, “stacking” insurance is a way to raise your insurance coverage if you are in an accident with an uninsured or underinsured driver. Stacked car insurance adds the uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage limits for multiple vehicles/policies in order to increase the maximum amount an insurance policy will pay. The first […]
If you’ve been injured and/or incurred significant damage to your vehicle in a traffic accident in Florida, you probably want to understand your options for compensation for your losses. There are several laws in Florida that will likely affect your recovery. If you or a loved one has been injured, […]
Elmiron (pentosan polysulfate sodium or PPS) is used to treat interstitial cystitis, a bladder condition that affects women more than men. Use of Elmiron has been linked to maculopathy, an eye condition that can lead to vision loss. In 2020, doctors at Northwestern University’s Department of Ophthalmology looked at the […]
No matter what state they occur in, multi-vehicle accidents are exceptionally damaging, in terms of property damages, injuries, deaths, and even their impact on the communities surrounding them. Some of the worst in Florida includes: On 1/14/2018, eight cars were involved in a pileup on the Florida Turnpike in Miami-Dade […]
Unfortunately, automobile accidents happen every day. More often than not, they are caused by some driver’s negligence. Roadway intersections infest the roadways, each with its own combination of stop signs, yield signs, or lights, and each with its unique set of dangers. Failure to yield to or merge into the […]
Paraquat is known to be one of the most toxic herbicides in the world and is banned in more than thirty countries. The United States is not one of these countries, and Paraquat continues to be used by licensed farmers nationwide. A recently-filed class-action lawsuit alleges that Paraquat causes Parkinson’s […]
Do you currently have a personal injury claim that involved you being injured by someone who was texting or speeding? Are you wondering if the ticket that the other driver received can be used as evidence in your claim? Our Florida accident lawyer wants you to first note that there […]
Hundreds of thousands of hip replacement procedures are performed each year in the United States, with many of these procedures requiring the need for a subsequent “revision” procedure. Because of the substantial number of hip replacement procedures performed each year, patients who have had hip replacement procedures should have a […]
Juul Labs, the maker of the USB-like e-cigarette that exploded in popularity in recent years is currently in hot water over its e-cigarettes. The company’s marketing to middle and high school-aged minors is at the forefront of lawsuits filed throughout the United States, and Juul faces new lawsuits weekly, if […]
Florida’s warm, damp climate is ideal for many potentially dangerous animals, including indigenous and exotic species, which are frequently kept as pets or in zoos. The result of this is a sizable number of unforeseen dangerous or even fatal interactions between animals and the expanding human population. The most common […]