Fatal crashes involving emergency vehicles have increased dramatically over the past several years according to statistics released by the National Safety Council. The vast majority of people killed in those accidents were either pedestrians or occupants of other vehicles, while the drivers and passengers in the emergency vehicles remained relatively […]
Author: SearcyLaw
Auto Facts & Driving FAQs Most people understand that speeding and distractions can cause car accidents. However, there are many unknown circumstances that put drivers at risk every day. By understanding certain facts about driving, you can decrease your risk of injury. Read on for answers to some of the […]
In the classic song “Summertime Blues,” a teen complains about the tremendous problems of working too much and not being able to drive a car. Anybody who understands the dangers faced by teen drivers during the summer might think that teens should be celebrating rather than singing the blues. During […]
Reports from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration show that severe traffic accidents increase during the summer months. We all know that people tend to take more vacations during the summer, so that seems like the obvious cause for the increase in accidents and fatalities. But it is far from […]
We all know that drunk driving is dangerous. And we also know that it would be dangerous for someone to drive if they’re legally blind or have their eyes covered so they can’t see the road ahead. Yet many people in Tallahassee do not fully appreciate that it is just […]
Being hit by a delivery truck is no ordinary accident. For starters, delivery trucks are bigger and heavier than cars, so a collision is more likely to lead to serious injuries. Second, a delivery truck is a commercial vehicle, so there could be many different companies involved in the truck’s […]
Post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD first came to public attention in connection with combat veterans with mental conditions that made it hard for them to live a “normal” life after the traumatic events they experienced in wartime. However, many people in Tallahassee experience PTSD caused by other trauma in their […]
Many people in Fort Walton Beach know that if they suffer a personal injury, they may be eligible to seek compensation for their losses through a personal injury lawsuit. But not everyone knows what qualifies as a personal injury in legal terms. A Fort Walton Beach personal injury lawyer explains […]
When a client and attorney work together or even agree to work together, they establish a special relationship. Laws and ethical rules lay the groundwork for this relationship. While every attorney practicing in Pensacola is required to understand the rules that apply to attorney-client relationships, many clients have no idea […]
People of all ages slip and fall every day in Pensacola. Most may only suffer minor bruises, but many are seriously injured. When another person’s lack of responsibility caused the fall, slip and fall victims may be able to seek compensation to cover numerous harmful effects from the fall, […]