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Personal Injury

Speak with a Tallahassee Personal Injury Lawyer about Your Case for Free

If you have been injured in an accident, your choice of legal representation matters. Not only do you need a Tallahassee personal injury lawyer who has significant experience handling your type of case, but you also need a lawyer who is familiar with the city and who can use his or her local knowledge to help you recover maximum compensation for your personal injury claim.

At Searcy Denney, we are committed to fighting for Tallahassee residents who have been harmed by others’ negligence. Located in the historic Towle House on Calhoun Street, our local attorneys bring decades of experience to fighting for victims of vehicle collisions, slips and falls, and other accidents. We also have a nationwide reputation for providing effective representation in medical malpractice and product liability litigation, and we have a long and established track record of securing just compensation for our client’s losses.

Personal Injury Cases We Handle

Our personal injury practice is devoted to representing individuals who have been seriously injured due to the negligence of others. Our attorneys offer skilled, compassionate, and effective legal representation, and we rely on our firm’s substantial resources to aggressively pursue maximum financial compensation for our clients. While we have a strong and deeply rooted commitment to Tallahassee, we also have other Florida offices as well, and we are able to leverage our firm’s statewide presence to our client’s advantage.

So, how can a Tallahassee personal injury lawyer help you? Our attorneys are available to represent Tallahassee residents in cases including:

  • Car Accidents – Severe traumatic injuries from a car accident can impact your life for years, if not decades, to come. Our attorneys can prove who was at fault in the collision and deal with the insurance companies on your behalf.
  • Truck Accidents – We represent Tallahassee residents who have been injured in commercial truck accidents in the North Florida and South Georgia areas. These cases tend to be exceptionally complicated, and you will need an experienced Tallahassee personal injury lawyer in order to recover just compensation.
  • Medical Malpractice – We are known for our results in medical malpractice We handle cases against doctors, hospitals, and other health care providers involving birth injuries, medication errors, misdiagnoses, and all other forms of medical negligence.
  • Premises LiabilitySlips, trips and falls from height can cause serious injuries, as can accidents involving elevators, escalators, construction sites, and other dangers. If you have been injured on public or private property in Tallahassee, we can help you recover just compensation.
  • Product Liability – While most personal injury firms occasionally handle cases involving product defects, product liability litigation is at the core of our practice. Our lawyers in Tallahassee include James Gustafson, Jr., Cameron Kennedy, and Carter Scott and they each have extensive experience in cases involving dangerous vehicles, medications, consumer goods, and numerous other products.

Helping Victims with Injuries of All Kinds 

What does it take to cause a serious injury? For most people, the answer is, “Not as much as you might think.” While our bodies are built to withstand most of the physical stresses of day-to-day life, the forces involved in vehicle collisions, falls and other accidents are more than enough to cause life-altering injuries. Due to the financial and non-financial costs associated with these injuries, if you have been hurt in an accident, it is important that you speak with a lawyer about asserting your legal rights.

Types of Personal Injury Cases We Handle in Tallahassee

Our practice consists of providing legal representation for clients who have suffered catastrophic, life-altering injuries in all types of accidents and collisions. We also handle medical malpractice cases involving severe injuries and illnesses, and we have helped many families recover just compensation for wrongful death. Over the past four decades, we have represented countless clients in Tallahassee, throughout Florida and across the country in cases to recover financial compensation for:

Back and Spinal Cord Injuries

Fractured vertebrae, herniated discs and other back and spinal cord injuries (SCI) can result from all types of accidents. We represent clients who have experienced SCI and other injuries requiring surgery and resulting in chronic pain, limited mobility and paralysis.

Broken Bones

When you are involved in a serious accident, you learn just how fragile your bones truly are. While children and seniors are particularly susceptible to suffering bone fractures, accident victims of all ages and health conditions can suffer broken bones due to vehicle collisions, falls, pedestrian and bicycle accidents, and other traumatic events.  

Ear, Eye and Facial Injuries

Many different factors can cause damage to the ears and eyes. We have represented many clients who have suffered hearing and visual impairments due to traumatic accidents. Our attorneys can handle cases involving other types of facial injuries as well, including cases involving permanent disfigurement due to jaw bone and skull fractures, burns, and severe lacerations.

Inhalation and Exposure

Inhalation of fumes and particulates can cause a broad range of internal injuries and illnesses, and exposure to chemicals can cause disfiguring burns and other severe injuries. We represent clients in cases involving non-fatal and fatal inhalation and exposure resulting from catastrophic accidents, spills, construction hazards and other calamities.

Loss of Digits and Limbs

Losing a digit or limb can have severe physical and psychological effects. Our injury lawyers work with top medical professionals in Tallahassee and across the country who specialize in treating patients who have lost digits and limbs due to trauma and amputations.

Severe Burns

Severe burns from fires, explosions and chemical exposure typically require months of difficult treatment and recovery, and patients will often need medical care for the rest of their lives. We help accident victims with severe burns recover the financial compensation they need to continue their treatment and live as comfortably as possible.

Severe Nerve, Muscle and Soft Tissue Damage

Severe nerve injuries can have permanent painful effects, and extreme damage to muscles, ligaments and tendons can leave accident victims with painful and permanent physical limitations. Each attorney at our firm has significant experience representing clients who have suffered severe nerve, muscle and soft tissue damage, typically in combination with bone fractures, burns, loss of digits and limbs, and other traumatic injuries.

Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI)

While traumatic brain injuries (TBI) can range in severity, modern scientific research has shown that there really is no such thing as a “minor” brain injury. We represent victims of collisions and other accidents who have been diagnosed with concussions, diffuse axonal injuries (DAI), edemas, hematomas, hemorrhages and other forms of TBI.

Undiagnosed Injuries and Illnesses

When a medical provider fails to timely diagnose a patient’s injury or illness, the consequences can be severe. We handle medical malpractice claims involving failure to diagnose, misdiagnosis, and delayed diagnosis of traumatic injuries, cancers and other illnesses against health care facilities in Tallahassee and the surrounding areas of Florida and Georgia.

Wrongful Death

Losing a loved one due to a product defect or someone else’s negligence is a tragedy that no family should ever be forced to endure. Yet, fatal accidents happen every day, and medical malpractice is currently a leading cause of death in the United States. If you have lost a loved one in an accident or under suspicious circumstances, we offer our sincerest condolences, and we encourage you to contact us so that we can help your family seek justice for your loved one’s death.

Breaking Down Your Negligence Claim

As part of the analysis in determining fault, your lawyer will need to determine whether the other party was negligent. Negligence occurs when the other party fails to act in a reasonably prudent manner that would prevent injury to others. Proving that the other party was negligent in your case can be much more complicated than you may think. 

Negligence is unintentional, so you need to focus on the facts that would suggest the other party was careless. For example: 

Which facts are important will depend on the nature of your case. An experienced Tallahassee personal injury lawyer can review your case and determine whether you can pursue a claim against the other party. 

Intentional Torts 

In some cases, the other party may have intended to cause you harm. In that situation, your attorney does not need to prove that they were negligent. Instead, they need to be able to prove that the other party intended to harm you. This requires a very different analysis from a negligence case but can be just as challenging. 

Intentional tort cases often involve criminal charges, such as assault and battery. If the other party has been charged with a crime, it’s important to remember that you can still pursue a civil claim against them for compensation for your injuries. 

How a Tallahassee Personal Injury Lawyer Can Help

If you’ve been seriously injured, your priority should be your recovery. Follow your doctor’s orders, get the rest you need, and take whatever steps you need to regain your health. It can be incredibly overwhelming to focus on your recovery and attempt to pursue a claim for your injuries simultaneously. The paperwork, the phone calls, and collecting evidence can simply be too much when you’re recovering from a severe injury. 

Even if you don’t plan to go to court, there are many ways that a Tallahassee personal injury lawyer can help:

  • They can collect the evidence and documents you need to prove your claim.
  • They can review all of your expenses and losses caused by the accident and calculate what your claim is worth.
  • They can handle all of the correspondence related to your claim and can speak on your behalf. This includes speaking with the insurance companies, the opposing parties, potential witnesses, or anyone else who may be involved in your case. 
  • Subject to your approval, they can negotiate a settlement of your claim. 

Most non-lawyers struggle to gather the documentation they need to prove their claim and wind up settling for far less than what their claim is worth. An experienced Tallahassee personal injury lawyer can help you get fair compensation for your claim. 

How to Choose the Right Tallahassee Personal Injury Attorney For You

Almost every personal injury lawyer offers a free initial consultation. You should use this meeting as an opportunity to decide whether this attorney would be a good fit for you and whether you are confident that they have the knowledge and experience to handle your case and obtain a fair result. Here are some questions that you should consider: 

  • How long have you been practicing?
  • How many personal injury cases have you handled?
  • How much of your practice is dedicated to handling personal injury claims?
  • Do you see any particular issues or challenges with my case?

Every attorney is different – they will have different personalities with different styles of communication. And while you should expect that they meet the highest professional and ethical standards, you should give some thought to the level of service you need or want. 

Meet Our Tallahassee Personal Injury Attorneys

Tallahassee Personal Injury Attorneys, Carter Scott

Tallahassee Personal Injury Attorney James Gustafson

Tallahassee Personal Injury Attorney Cameron Kennedy

What You Can Expect from a Skilled Injury Lawyer

Many clients aren’t sure what to expect when they hire a lawyer. While we can’t speak for other firms, here is what you should expect when you work with a Tallahassee personal injury lawyer from our firm: 

  • A candid assessment of your case explaining any potential issues we may face
  • A firm estimate of what your case may be worth
  • A high level of communication to keep you fully apprised of any developments
  • Hands-on representation to help make your case as strong as possible
  • An in-depth discussion regarding your options
  • A clear explanation of the strategy that we think will yield the best result
  • Communication and careful guidance regarding any settlement offers
  • Compassionate, dedicated legal representation focused on helping you rebuild your life

Property Owners Have a Responsibility to Guard Their Pool Against Wandering Children 

If you are a property owner and have a pool on the premises, it is essential that you have access-controlled fences around the pool. To ensure that a child does not accidentally wander into the pool area if the gate is left unlocked, it is best to have gates open outwards with an automatic latch on the inside to keep it shut when it closes. 

When a child is injured or dies in a pool as a result of non-present or insufficient security measures on behalf of the property owner, they could be liable for the damages. As a property owner, securing the pool is common sense, as it keeps your children, pets, and any persons with mental disabilities from accidentally falling into the pool.

Has your child been injured at a pool? Discussing your case with a personal injury lawyer is helpful to determine if the unique facts and circumstances of the injury provide the basis for a personal injury claim to collect on your costs and damages. 

If Your Child Has Been Injured, You Could File a Personal Injury Claim for Them   

A child is not capable of filing an insurance claim or a lawsuit to collect compensation for the costs and damages linked to their injuries. However, the child’s parents or guardians can, as they will ultimately be responsible for the financial and emotional burden associated with the injury.

If your child has been injured in an accident that was caused by the negligence of someone or something else, you should reach out to a Tallahassee personal injury lawyer, as you could be entitled to compensation for your damages. For example, a pool owner has a duty to secure the pool so it is not a risk to wandering children. If the property owner breaches their duty to secure the pool, causing an accident, and that accident results in damages, that property owner is negligent and may be held legally responsible for the associated damages. 

Request a Free Consultation with a Searcy Denney 

If you have questions about your legal rights after an accident in Tallahassee, we encourage you to get in touch. Our injury attorneys can explain everything you need to know. To schedule a free, no-obligation consultation as soon as possible, give us a call at 888-549-7011 or tell us how we can help online today.



How Much Will My Personal Injury Lawyer Cost? 

Your initial consultation is risk-free and cost-free, and we only get paid if we win on your case. You’ll pay nothing up-front, and nothing out-of-pocket, ever. This is because we take personal injury cases on contingency, which means that we only get paid if we win, out of a portion of the earnings that we’ll agree upon before getting started. 

During your free initial case assessment, we’ll collect some basic information about your injuries and the accident that caused them. From there we’ll be able to determine if we can take your case. If we can, we’ll discuss how our attorney-client relationship works, answer any questions you might have, and when we are in agreement we’ll get moving on your case. Working with a personal injury attorney helps to ensure that you collect the amount of compensation to which you are entitled while removing the stress of the complex and time-consuming claims process from your day-to-day life. 

Can you sue for personal injury in Tallahassee?

Yes, if you were injured in an accident that was someone else’s fault, you can sue for personal injury in Tallahassee. If you think you may have a claim, your first step is to contact a Tallahassee personal injury attorney. During your free initial consultation, your attorney will work with you to understand what happened and determine what additional evidence is needed to assess your legal rights. If you have a claim, your attorney can sue on your behalf and then fight to recover the financial compensation you deserve.

What is the new personal injury law in Tallahassee 2023?

In March 2023, Governor DeSantis signed sweeping changes into Florida’s personal injury law. These changes impact accident victims in Tallahassee and other cities statewide. While the law (HB 837) makes several changes, two of the most important changes for accident victims in Tallahassee are: (i) the statute of limitations for most personal injury claims is reduced from four years to two years; and, (ii) Florida now has a “comparative negligence” law that bars accident victims from recovering any financial compensation if they are more than 50 percent responsible for their injuries.

Can you sue for personal injury in Florida?

Despite the changes to Florida’s personal injury laws enacted in 2023, it is still possible to sue for personal injury in Florida in many cases. Regardless of what happened, if you were injured in an accident that you believe may have been someone else’s fault (or even partially someone else’s fault), you should speak with a Tallahassee personal injury attorney about your legal rights as soon as possible.

How does a personal injury lawsuit work in Florida?

In most cases, filing a personal injury lawsuit in Florida starts with filing an insurance claim. By conducting a comprehensive investigation, your attorney can determine who (or what company) was at fault in the accident, and then your attorney can use this information to identify the correct insurance company (or insurance companies) to contact. This will typically lead to settlement negotiations, and most successful personal injury claims settle out of court. However, if you don’t receive a fair settlement offer, then going to court is your next step, and you will need to rely on your attorney to present evidence of both liability (who was at fault) and damages (how much you are entitled to recover).

How are personal injury settlements paid out in Florida?

Most personal injury settlements in Florida are paid in a lump sum. This means that you receive the full amount at the time of settlement (less by any costs and fees you owe to your attorney).

What is the difference between bodily injury and personal injury?

The term “bodily injury” refers to the physical injuries you suffer in an accident, while “personal injury” is a legal term that describes a type of lawsuit. If you suffer a bodily injury in an accident that is someone else’s fault, you can file a personal injury claim to recover just compensation.

What are the steps in a personal injury lawsuit?

The major steps involved in filing a personal injury lawsuit are: (i) conducting an investigation to determine liability, (ii) filing an insurance claim (or insurance claims), (iii) calculating the long-term costs of your injuries, (iv) proving liability and negotiating for an out-of-court settlement, and (v) going to court if necessary. Each of these steps presents a variety of challenges and considerations; and, as a result, it is important to work with an experienced Tallahassee personal injury attorney every step of the way. 

Hear What Our Clients Have To Say

"Without question, a tier one law firm! I have been extremely pleased with the quality of service and their attention to detail. Everyone has been extraordinarily kind and professional. I highly recommend this fine organization!"
Posted By: Bud Wilder