A trial that began June 11 in the U.S. Court of Federal Claims in Washington, DC pits 4800 families of children with autism, the plaintiffs, against the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. This first of nine test cases promises to become a landmark debate about the causes of […]
Category: Mass Torts
It has been done in Mississippi, Florida, and in New Brunswick, Canada. Governmental bodies have finally realized that if they have a cause of action, involving complex litigation, why pay exorbitant hourly fees? Instead, why not hire plaintiff oriented firms who are skilled in working under contingent fee arrangements? Why […]
Wyeth, the manufacturer of women’s hormone replacement drug Prempro, is not protected by a federal law which would have moved any case brought against the manufacturer to federal court. A ruling by a New Jersey judge earlier this week, stated that “federal law does not bar state lawsuits alleging drugmakers […]
Never underestimate Big Tobacco. Stalled by recent court rulings affirming their lethal deception of the American public, cigarette companies decided to make an end run. In the face of state court verdicts against cigarette manufacturers (such as the Florida Supreme Court’s decision that nicotine is addictive, that cigarettes cause cancer, […]
The US and Canada have stopped all imports of Chinese made toothpaste, because it contains diethylene glycol (DEG). DEG is a chemical commonly used in antifreeze. Now, there are reports that counterfeit Colgate toothpaste is being distributed. Although the origins of many containers of this counterfeit toothpaste are unknown, it […]
The dangers of cigarette smoking have been well documented over the last three decades. However, recent studies on the dangers of exposure to smokers are revealing the startling information about the dangers presented by exposure to second-hand smoke. Remarkably, it has been only in the last few years that reports […]
In a stunning replay of last year’s Bausch & Lomb contact lens solution recall, another manufacturer of a solution for cleaning and storing soft contact lenses is participating in a “voluntary” recall of its product. But this company, Advanced Medical Optics, is not going without a fight (http://www.ocregister.com May 30, […]
At the end of April, the FDA showed signs of coming to its senses on COX-2 inhibitors and voted 20-1 to reject Merck’s application for the painkiller Arcoxia. Like its parent painkiller Vioxx, Arcoxia was associated with increased cardiac risks in randomized clinical trials. Public Citizen’s Dr. Sidney Wolfe, director […]
The Florida Supreme Court vacated a substantial verdict totaling hundreds of billions of dollars against some of the giants of Big Tobacco. So, how is it that the Court showed courage? Could it be that they showed courage because they vacated a verdict they knew could be attacked by the […]