We are receiving reports from Fort Lauderdale that Big Tobacco has once again been found guilty of manufacturing defective products. The jury awarded $1.3 million to the plaintiff. Justice is finally catching up to Big Tobacco and they are having to be reminded of the days they encouraged consumers to […]
Category: Corporate Fraud
Lately, not a news cycle turns without an insurance company, a Wall Street firm, a bank or other corporate giant asking for a government bailout with our taxpayer money. Ironically, these are the same Big Corporations that every year aggressively lobby the government to de-regulate their industries to allow for […]
The first tobacco trial of what is termed the “Engle” plaintiffs has resulted in a total verdict for Mrs. Hess and her son in th eamount of $8 million. Big Tobacco’s lawyers, once again, attempted to shift all the blame away from themselves and against Mr. Hess. The jury apparently […]
Today a jury in Fort Lauderdale, Florida found that a long time smoker, Stuart Hess, really was addicted to cigarettes. If you can imagine, Big Tobacco’s lawyers marched into the courtroom and argued that cigarettes were not addictive or, in the alternative, cigarettes were not addictive to Mr. Hess. Mr. […]
Who protects consumers from negligently manufactured or dangerous drugs and medical devices? Is it the FDA? In part, yes and in part, no. The FDA, because of the way in which it was designed to operate, could be said to be analogous to the “fox guarding the hen house”. In […]
Patients who undergo shoulder, knee and ankle surgery often experience significant pain; particularly immediately post surgery. To try and manage that pain, physicians have often employed the use of pain pumps. These pumps inject pain killer into the body in a regulated fashion to minimize pain, while controlling the tendency […]
What is Big Tobacco doing in the Florida tobacco litigation now? They are sending out teams of lawyers and investigators to track down and interview each smoker’s sons, daughters, grandchildren, Aunt Mary, Uncle Bob, the third cousin twice removed, the neighbors, the neighbors neighbors—you get the idea.
One of the issues that all Americans, and particularly lawyers, should consider in making their presidential pick is which candidate will best serve the interest of “justice for all.” Recently, while the talking heads continued to focus on the meaning of the word “bitter,” or the sound bites from a […]
Do Big Corporations rail against the production of defective products? Do they form groups to monitor unsafe manufacturing methods? Does Corporate America want to put the American consumer first? The answer is a resounding—NO! So, do these things, by themselves, make Big Corporations bad? Again, a resounding-NO! Corporate America is […]
According to the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, Bausch & Lomb is involved in a lawsuit against its insurance companies arising out of the ReNu with MoistureLoc lawsuits. The Democrat reports that attorneys for the insurers maintain that Bausch knew about the problems with its ReNu with MoistureLoc causing infections to […]