You just have to love Big Tobacco. Produce a product you know kills people; hide or deflect all the information that would alert the public of the totality of the dangers; engineer nicotine delivery in a way that maximizes addiction and write memos talking about the whole scheme as if […]
Category: Corporate Fraud
Wyeth’s marketing “revolution” called Premarin has been proved responsible for the deaths and injury to women across the country. In documents released in court litigation, Wyeth demonstrates absolute giddiness over their “revolution” to sell, sell, sell Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) to all women everywhere. What Wyeth and other HRT manufacturers […]
It is clear that the decline of hormone therapy use has saved lives. Recently released research from the University of Wisconsin puts the number of women who will be spared invasive breast cancer this year at 6,000. Based on the study done by the Women’s Health Initiative, the numbers of […]
It is old hat in the medical device and drug industry; do not ask for permission—simply deal with the fall out of asking for forgiveness. The US Attorney’s Office announced indictments against a number of Stryker executives for lying to the Food & Drug Administration. Apparently, Stryker was given permission […]
In a unanimous decision, the Massachusetts Supreme Court ruled on Monday that cigarette manufacturer, Philip Morris, may have to pay for screening/diagnostic scans for smokers. The ruling paves the way for the possibility that Philip Morris could be required to pay for low-dose computed tomography (LDCT) scans, which can detect […]
Phillip Morris was found to be 38% at fault in the death of a smoker. This is the verdict delivered by a jury of good citizens on August 14, 2009, in Broward County, Florida. Philip Morris and their lawyers, presumably, blame the judge and bad rulings made by him. Altria’s […]
Pharmaceutical and medical device manufacturers sell their wares for a profit. Nothing wrong with that. If I sold widgets, I would certainly want to generate a profit. If my widgets carried with them the potential to cause severe injury and death though, I would have the absolute responsibility to not […]
There are certain drug compounds that I, as a consumer, can not purchase without the permission (think prescription here) of a licensed physician. There is very good reason for this. There are drugs for which the use must be weighed and evaluated by trained medical people. In some cases the […]
In most states, insurance departments regulate “big dogs”, but in Florida, our insurance commissioner is forced by law to regulate only “pups”. It is a scam of monumental proportions permitted by Florida law and it is the citizens of our great state that pay for it. What are “big dogs” […]
It is all about Senate Bill 2198, sponsored by Senator Haridopolos, a Florida State Senator. It is all about justice fairly given out. It is about Big Tobacco being treated just like the rest of Florida citizens. It is about justice. See the full article by clicking here.