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Author: SearcyLaw

10 Ways to tell a lawyer knows nothing about eDiscovery


10.     Thinks a “legal hold” is a marriage license. 9.       Thinks a megabyte is a sandwich served at McDonalds; a gigabyte is a double with cheese. 8.       Thinks proportionality involves yearly shareholder bonuses. 7.       Thinks email is not useful for discovery. 6.       Thinks metadata is the most useful area of […]

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GM Recall — Bad Switches, Bad Relations, Bad Acts


Why is GM in so much trouble? Is it just about bad switches or improperly operating air bags; recalls of millions of vehicles? Isn’t about more than that? Isn’t it really about corporate attitude, corporate responsibility and corporate citizenship? This is not the first time that corporate America has placed […]

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GM Recall Debacle — Placing Americans in Danger


GM is in a fix. The National Highway Transportation Safety Administration has ordered them to respond to 107 questions concerning defects in GM cars and trucks. Although GM’s CEO promised transparency in the investigation and provided over 21,000, Congressional leaders believe they are still holding back. That may well be […]

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An Abuse of Power — GM Recalls Nearly 7 Million Vehicles


Companies that produce products such as power tools, planes, motor vehicles and guns should be held to a higher standard of public responsibility than maybe, say blender manufacturers. A bad blender might ruin a good party, but it is unlikely to kill. Maim or injure people. One would have thought […]

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Digital Preservation, Document Shredding and Corporate Whining


Today, the discovery of information in most litigation involves large amounts of digital documents and data. Corporate counsel goes through a painful hand wringing ritual every time they think about data preservation versus spoliation versus data destruction. You can hear the pain flow down from the corporate inner wards every […]

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"The attorneys and staff at Searcy Denney are some of the most compassionate and caring individuals I have met in the legal field. They work tirelessly on behalf of their clients to ensure the best possible outcome. I would highly recommend them for anyone who is seeking excellent legal representation."
Posted By: Lauren Schumacher