Without realizing he was doing it, President Abraham Lincoln may very well have begun this holiday when he travelled by train from Washington, DC to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania to honor the dead who has fallen in the bloodiest battle of the war. President Lincoln’s speech, in part:
Author: SearcyLaw
A huge recall is underway of beef distributed by Wolverine Packing Company of Detroit Michigan. Eleven cases of E. coli infection have been reported in four states; none so far in Florida.
10. Thinks a “legal hold” is a marriage license. 9. Thinks a megabyte is a sandwich served at McDonalds; a gigabyte is a double with cheese. 8. Thinks proportionality involves yearly shareholder bonuses. 7. Thinks email is not useful for discovery. 6. Thinks metadata is the most useful area of […]
In any document search allowing defendants’ custodians to conduct their own searches is much like allowing the fox to guard the henhouse. Even focused and disciplined custodial collections can be fraught with problems. Example Email sent during product development: “ Jim – I am writing to you because of the […]
Why is GM in so much trouble? Is it just about bad switches or improperly operating air bags; recalls of millions of vehicles? Isn’t about more than that? Isn’t it really about corporate attitude, corporate responsibility and corporate citizenship? This is not the first time that corporate America has placed […]
GM is in a fix. The National Highway Transportation Safety Administration has ordered them to respond to 107 questions concerning defects in GM cars and trucks. Although GM’s CEO promised transparency in the investigation and provided over 21,000, Congressional leaders believe they are still holding back. That may well be […]
Companies that produce products such as power tools, planes, motor vehicles and guns should be held to a higher standard of public responsibility than maybe, say blender manufacturers. A bad blender might ruin a good party, but it is unlikely to kill. Maim or injure people. One would have thought […]
How do you obtain information in a lawsuit in 2014? The practice of EDiscovery involves “electronically stored information” (ESI). Ultimately, whether the data comes in an image of the document or raw data, it will be reduced to a coalescent image such as a PDF, a TIFF, or as a […]
Recently the Palm Beach Post published an article and several letters to the editor have been written about those who ride bicycles along our roadways. Here in Palm Beach County our traffic issues are further complicated by the ebb and flow of the volume of traffic. In the summer months, […]
Today, the discovery of information in most litigation involves large amounts of digital documents and data. Corporate counsel goes through a painful hand wringing ritual every time they think about data preservation versus spoliation versus data destruction. You can hear the pain flow down from the corporate inner wards every […]