We see it every day in the clients tragically injured in car crashes; family members who have lost members of their family to the careless driving of another; and those whose lives will be forever shattered by an automobile accident so horrific they will never recover. Causing a car wreck […]
Author: SearcyLaw
Today people across the United States and in parts of the world will wear blue clothes and wrist bands to recognize the health crisis of autism in the world. The Washington Post carried an article today that suggests the very real world of autism from a mom of three autistic […]
Our firm’s website has thousands of pages of content within it. Why? Because we believe that before you decide to hire a law firm and an attorney, you should be able to determine whether we are skilled in a particular area of the law. Is there content on our website […]
In Hamlet, his mother the queen is quoted as saying, “The lady doth protest too much, me thinks.” In Shakespeare’s time the word “protest” was meant as the lady vows or declares solemnly, too much. So do the devotees of predictive coding, protest too much. A recent article in favor […]
One of our own, Brenda S. Fulmer has contributed a substantial chapter titled “Mass Torts: The Bird’s-Eye View” to the recently released book “Anatomy of a Personal Injury Lawsuit, 4th Edition” which is a comprehensive and up-to-date resource for practicing plaintiffs’ attorneys and their staffs. The book is full of […]
If you ask an opposing party about the details of their document collection; the custodians interviewed; the keywords searched; or the culling approaches used; you are likely to get one response, a quickly erected brick wall. In Cooperation and Litigation: Thoughts on the American Experience (2013), Richard Marcus writes: “I […]
Florida is sunny and a great place to live or work; but we can be a little slow to except new things. Florida Rules of Civil Procedure were amended a couple of years ago to include at least the mention of electronic discovery. Sadly, the changes did not treat ESI […]
I attended LegalTech 2015 this year in New York. It was a great seminar and another well done project by ALM. One wrinkle, though. Lawyers, vendors and even judges continue to want to shove predictive coding down everyone’s throat. Not “technology assisted review (TAR)”, but specifically predictive coding. With the […]
New research provides yet another reason to quit smoking. A scientific analysis of 6,000 men showed a propensity for those who smoked to lose their Y chromosome. That’s bad news, according to the Swedish team that conducted the trial. “If cancer, heart disease, and emphysema weren’t bad enough, male smokers […]
Generic-drug costs are soaring. In 2014, so much inflation took place it prompted members of the Senate to push for the legalization of drug imports from Canada, as patients south of the border struggle to pay for their pills. According to reports, half of all generic drugs have experienced cost […]