Hmmmm, sound familiar? In my prior posts I have tried to hone in on some of the real root causes of mounting pharmacy errors. Unfortunately the Big Retailers want to create their own personal version of Hammertime’s “you can’t touch this” by pigeon holing any error into the “we are […]
Author: Vincent Leonard
I have written previously regarding the hidden epidemic of prescription errors. For every error that makes the news I am certain there are thousands that go unreported. The most recent report of a potentially disastrous pharmacy error is reported by ABC news and involves a child receiving Tamoxifen, a very […]
A new study published on September 14, 2011 by the Journal of the American Medical Association concluded that although fatal car crashes for 16-year-old drivers has dropped, fatalities in 18-year-old drivers has increased. The research analyzed more than 130,000 fatal teen crashes over 22 years. The study found that tougher […]
Well I am neither a doctor nor a scientist; which may help explain why I am scratching my head in bewilderment after reading the latest article at The article sets forth an association between common household NSAID’S (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) with an elevated risk of miscarriages. You are familiar […]
Many times consumers are perplexed as to why they have had their auto insurance rates increased after an accident that was not their fault. In Florida, there are actually some statutory guidelines of which consumers should be aware. These guidelines fall under the domain of Fla. Stat. 626.9541 – Unfair […]
Remember the days when you drove your car into a “service station” and you simply expected that, in addition to gas, you would receive, well, service? When I was a boy, I would often go to the gas station with my Dad. Back then, it was not just about gasoline. […]
It’s not often I read a sports article and find somebody who truly understands the industry I work in like Mike Bianchi of the Orlando Sentinel did on his take in the tragic wrongful death case of football player Ereck Planchar. I hope many people take the time to read […]
Pretty much everyone has one these days! In fact, according to Facebook, there are currently over 500 million active users on Facebook. Statistics show that 50% of these active users log on every day. So, just as you would in any crowd, you need to make sure you are protecting […]
What lawsuits consume the very most resources in our court system? Lawsuits filed by injured people? Nope. Lawsuits filed by corporations suing corporations? Yep! By far, excluding divorce, we tax payers pay out more to support the court system’s time in handling one corporation suing another than any other type […]
First, I want to warn everyone that the video to which this article is linked is a dramatization; it is particularly difficult to watch; but it demonstrates what can happen, so it is important. This very sobering video link made its way into my in-box today, and although it is […]