Should defendants be permitted to adopt a policy concerning employee use of personal computing devices in business that benefits the defendant and then hide behind that policy to its benefit in the discovery process of a lawsuit? An essential organization in the modern discovery process, The Sedona Conference, has […]
Category: Miscellaneous
Tragedy striking on a lavish vacation is always unexpected, but not unheard of, as we have sadly learned from experience and recent news about 12 dead and 18 injured tourists visiting Mexico. The tourists were cruise line passengers, taking what they hoped was an exciting land excursion from a cruise […]
What does Thanksgiving represent to you? A day of football? A day with family and friends where everyone eats too much, talks too much and then falls asleep together? If you get to eat, drink and be merry…be consciously thankful, too. There are people across this country who will want […]
Dressing up in a clever costume for the night of all nights – Halloween – is the kind of stuff children live for. Portraying a character, walking around the neighborhood with friends and getting free candy – what could be better? The Fall festivities and fun unfortunately come with risks, […]
Fleets of autonomous cars are navigating U.S. highways and byways every day. Once an unfathomable dream, as most technology has been throughout history, driverless vehicles with programmed minds of their own have arrived. The idea of learning, thinking machines is both exciting and concerning. It is a feat of engineering […]
In Congress, July 4, 1776. The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate […]
Opioids put nearly 1.3 million people in the hospital in one year. Read this article with horror. Yet another example of the devastating effects of Fentanyl and other opiate abuse in our country. We have had a front row seat to this epidemic in Palm Beach County where our hospitals, […]
Neglect of the elderly, an all-too-often occurrence in nursing homes and other community settings, will take center stage June 15, 2017, during World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. The day brings about a 24-hour period in which voices far and wide can express opposition to cruel actions targeting those too fragile […]
Giving your life to your country; to honor your family; to defend the ideals of a great country; and to defend our home land. Can there be anything more honorable than this? Many fallen heroes have heard the call to service of our country and have given their lives for […]
Act ‘FAST’ if Signs or Symptoms Occur A stroke strikes someone every 40 seconds in the United States, affecting nearly 800,000 lives each year. It is the fifth-leading cause of death, and kills 130,000 annually. For those who survive, long-term disabilities often ensue, depending in the severity of the event. […]