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Third 3M Earplug Injury Trial Results in $1.7 Million Verdict for Plaintiff


Numerous veterans and active-duty service members have closely watched the progression of the 3M combat arms earplug litigation that involves tens of thousands of claimants. Plaintiffs allege that 3M’s earplugs are defective and caused many veterans and active-duty service members to suffer both hearing loss and tinnitus (ringing in the ears).

3M’s combat arms earplugs were exclusively used by the United States military from 2003 to 2015, at which point 3M discontinued production of the earplugs. So far, there have been three trials against 3M, with two of the trials resulting in plaintiffs’ verdicts, and one trial resulting in a defense verdict.

The most recent verdict went the plaintiff’s way in federal court in Pensacola, Florida, where a jury awarded the plaintiff $1.7 million. The jury did not conclude that 3M’s combat arms earplugs were defective but still assessed 3M to be at fault for the plaintiff’s injuries. The jury determined that 3M was 62% at fault and the plaintiff 38% at fault.

Could the Recent Bellwether Trial Help to Settle all 3M Earplug Injury Claims?

When mass tort litigation involves tens of thousands of plaintiffs, the overall goal is to help the vast majority of these injured individuals to receive compensation for their injuries. A global settlement of claims is the best way to ensure every qualifying plaintiff receives compensation. Test trials, which are called bellwether trials, help the parties and the court find out how juries will decide in the typical case.

Because plaintiffs have now won two trials, the potential for settlement of most, if not all, pending claims may be possible in the near future. Rather than fight every case in court, the parties may reach an agreement to resolve all claims that meet certain criteria. Doing so will help all parties avoid the massive expense of going to trial.

Additionally, given the uncertainty of going to trial, most claimants involved in mass tort litigations, like the 3M combat arms earplug injury litigation, are likely to agree to a settlement of their claims. In doing so, claimants are receiving a guaranteed sum of money rather than risking a loss at trial. Although some cases should proceed to trial, most mass tort cases are better suited for settlement.

Contact the 3M Earplug Injury Lawyers of Searcy Denney Today

If you are a veteran or active-duty service member who sustained hearing loss or tinnitus (ringing in the ears) after wearing 3M’s combat arms earplugs, act quickly to discuss your legal options with a 3M earplug injury lawyer.

Time is limited to file a claim and participate in a potential settlement. Waiting too long to seek legal advice can compromise your right to pursue legal action in the future. At Searcy Denney, our 3M earplug injury lawyers are nationally recognized for helping thousands of clients obtain compensation for injuries caused by defective products.

Contact Searcy Denney today by calling (800) 780-8607 to receive your free case evaluation, or complete a case inquiry form on our website, and a member of our legal team will respond to you right away.

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