So What’s in The Bottle? – A Series on Dietary Supplements Part II – Researching Dietary Supplements
In Part II of a series of five on Dietary Supplements here are some helpful resources to go about researching and gathering important information on both the product as well as manufacturer. In an article written by the Mayo Clinic “What you need to know before You Buy Herbal Supplements” there are some great tips on how to get started in determining if a product is right for you. More than ever consumers must be their own best advocate. There are many consumer friendly websites and literature that offer information even more so since the FDA issued its Final Rule governing Dietary Supplements that became effective 6/1/08.
If the task seems daunting, it is, and so through some research of our own we have compiled a list of some key websites that can provide valuable information to make the road travelled a little easier. It is important to read the label and research each ingredient by the known name as well as the botanical name as some are interchangeable. In the next three series of Blogs we will address and offer helpful resource information on product safety and recalls as well as adverse reaction reporting drug interaction and partnering in with your health care professional along a sample questionnaire recommended by the FDA.
United State Department of Agriculture
National Institute of Health Dietary Supplement Fact Sheet
United States National Library of Medicine (NLM)
Fortify your knowledge about Vitamins
The Alphabet Soup of Dietary Supplements
National Council on Patient Information and Education (NCPIE “Educate Before you Medicate”
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