Searcy Denney Scarola Barnhart & Shipley has fought for justice for over 45 years
Searcy Denney Scarola Barnhart & Shipley has fought for justice for over 45 years. In the courtroom and in the community, we stand against injustice, hatred, racism and oppression in all forms. We are heartbroken and saddened at the senseless murders of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor and all others who have been victims of racial injustice. We condemn these acts of hate, violence, and racism which reflect the systemic racism that threatens the fabric of our society. We stand with our community in support of peaceful protest, which is critical to bring attention and awareness to how these acts of violence continue to divide us. We do not support looting, destruction of property and acts that may add further insult the pain and sadness we all already feel. However, we support the peaceful protests urging all of us to do our part to effectuate change.
Our country was founded on the ideals of justice and freedom for all, but we recognize that until our system of justice enforces those ideals, and until our entire community embraces those ideals, we will continue to suffer as country. We are committed to working with our community to help find solutions to these critical issues that affect all of us- not just the African-American community. Acts of injustice anywhere threaten the fair administration of justice everywhere.
But along with education, protests, and critical dialogue, must come real action- action that must take place at the polls. Real change occurs when we hold our elected officials responsible for creating justice reform, and then enforcing these laws so that they are not just ideals, not just words, but reality.
We urge our entire community to register to vote, and then to take the collective anger, sadness and hurt we all are feeling right now to the polls– in August and in November.
In order to effectuate real change, we must protest and VOTE.
We stand with our community. We stand up for justice. We stand together.
Christian D. Searcy | John “Jack” Scarola | F. Gregory Barnhart |
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