Before a medication can be marketed or sold, it must undergo rigorous clinical testing. These tests are meant to prove the drug’s benefits to the FDA (Food and Drug Administration). What many patients do not realize is that these clinical tests do not actually guarantee the safety of a drug. Instead, […]
Search Results: breast cancer
West Palm Beach, Florida The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), has recently taken the extraordinary step of requiring The Breast Institute at the JFK Medical Center North, located at 2201 45th Street in West Palm Beach, Florida, to notify their patients and their medical insurance companies of serious deficiencies […]
Medical professionals have debated the frequency and relative age for performing mammogram studies on women; some claiming that once yearly is too often and under 50 years old is too soon. Whether these debates involve more concern for insurance company payouts than prudent healthcare, I will leave to other articles. […]
The controversial cancer treatment drug Avastin (bevacizumab) has one more warning attached to it – the drug has been associated with two deaths and 52 cases of flesh-eating disease. The drug’s maker, Hoffman-LaRoche Ltd., identified the cases of necrotizing fasciitis (flesh-eating bacteria) occurring worldwide from 1997 to 2012. Both the […]
I have written previously regarding the hidden epidemic of prescription errors. For every error that makes the news I am certain there are thousands that go unreported. The most recent report of a potentially disastrous pharmacy error is reported by ABC news and involves a child receiving Tamoxifen, a very […]
Those sneaky cancer cells lurking in blood work, which for years have gone undetected, are now directly in the cross-hairs of a new blood test invented by Boston-based scientists. The test is said to be able to detect one cancer cell in billions of cells from a typical blood test. […]
According to the National Cancer Institute, cancer survival is at the highest it has been in years, with an estimated 12 million survivors living in the United States. As scientists and doctors find more and more ways to improve treatments and ultimately work closer to a cure for the disease, […]
A new study released by Harvard Medical School and published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology finds that “aspirin can significantly reduce the risk of cancer spread and death for women who have been treated for early stage breast cancer.” These studies show that after successful treatments for breast cancer, […]
When manufacturers sell dangerous products, they can—and should—be held accountable. As consumers, we rely on manufacturers to put safe products on store shelves, and we expect to be able to use the products we buy without a risk of harm. Unfortunately, manufacturers don’t always do the right thing. Manufacturers regularly […]
Hair relaxers that contain parabens, formaldehyde and other chemicals present serious health risks for their users. This is well-known, and it has now been proven in multiple scientific studies. Yet, manufacturers continue to sell these products without clearly disclosing the risks their use entails. With this in mind, if you […]