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Mobile Health Platforms from Google and Apple


Apple and Google, two of the technology industry’s top titans, are poised to release evolutionary software applications that will track the health data of those using them.

Apple’s HealthKit and Google’s Fit will have a wide-ranging impact on how people perceive themselves, take care of their bodies and understand their fitness levels. They also will provide an opportunity to pharmaceutical companies that they have not had before: instant access to coveted personal health statistics.

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Companies including Adidas, Motorola are Nike already are developing wearable devices to be used in conjunction with the technology.

“The future of wearable health technology is looking bright,” said Jeff Danley, of Freestyle Media, who wrote a LinkedIn article about the new trends. “The industry is expected to see more devices abounding as the mHealth trend becomes more popular.”

Here’s an overview of HealthKit.

Apple’s HealthKit will be integrated into the iOS8 and operate in the cloud. It will capture and process data via an online dashboard that can be used on desktops, laptops, tablets and cellphones with the ability to share information with the healthcare industry at each individual’s discretion. Among its features:

  •             Synchronicity with multiple devices.
  •              Sharing capabilities on social media.
  •             Monitoring blood pressure, blood sugar, heart rate, sleep patterns and steps taken (pedometer.)
  •             Tracking activities.
  •              Identifying medical identification in case of an emergency.

Here’s an overview of Fit.

Google Fit will be integrated into the Android L operating system, enabling computer devices to collect and send data to an Application Programming Interface. Once released, the Application Programming Interface will be harbored by developers to create innovative apps.

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Courtesy of Lauren Still

A primary feature of Fit its informational exchange with doctors and physicians – again, at the discretion of the user – to help with diagnoses and treatments. Among its features:

A required user ID that will hold all information.

The capability of synching metrics with healthcare providers’ applications.

Tracking of nutritional information.

“These recent mHealth advancements have potential to have a positive impact on innovative pharmaceutical companies…,” Danley wrote. “By acquiring user specific data, mhealth apps will be able to offer personalized health solutions that tailor to a person’s individual needs like never before.”

So, what does it really to pharmaceutical companies? It means they can develop their own applications to tap into the tremendous amount of data being provided – data that, until now, has taken years to cull – and use it for such things as targeting new research areas based on the current health levels and improving consumer safety by updating prescription labels.

“Pharmaceutical products require a great deal of research and development when it comes to marketing strategies,” Danley wrote. “With the data pouring in from millions of users about their personal health statistics and daily health habits, pharmaceutical companies can use this information to tailor their marketing plan and guide their marketing efforts.”

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