More Dangerous Drunk Driving or Texting While Driving in Tallahassee?
Let an Experienced Tallahassee Auto Accident Lawyer If You’ve Been in an Accident
It is no secret that drunk driving can lead to serious and often fatal car accidents. What is becoming increasingly clear, however, is that texting while driving is also terribly dangerous. In fact, texting behind the wheel could be more dangerous than drunk driving.
An experienced Tallahassee auto accident lawyer reviews the facts and explains the problems posed by texting and using a cell phone while driving.
Texting is Considered Extreme Distracted Driving
Texting while driving does not impair your thought processes in the same way that intoxication does. Instead, an auto accident lawyer in Tallahassee knows that texting damages your ability to drive because it focuses your attention on something other than the job of driving.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Association (NHTSA) classifies texting behind the wheel as a form of distracted driving. Distractions are considered anything that takes your hands, mind, or eyes away from the road. Often texting does all three!
In fact, the NHTSA describes texting as the “most alarming distraction.” According to the Association, reading or sending a text takes a driver’s attention for approximately five seconds. In a car traveling 55 m.p.h., it is the equivalent of driving with your eyes closed for the length of a football field.
The NHTSA reports that eight percent of all fatal crashes involve distracted drivers. In some cases, two or more of the drivers were distracted. And in far too many cases, distracted drivers’ actions killed not only those in vehicles but also pedestrians and cyclists.
A Tallahassee Auto Accident Lawyer Can Hold Texting Drivers Responsible
Some distractions are more understandable than others. For instance, if a driver is distracted by a sudden shout from a passenger and looks away from the road momentarily, that movement may have been involuntary and almost unavoidable. Sending or reading text messages, however, are a different matter. Drivers have the option of ignoring messages, or they may park and conduct messaging in safety. There is never an excuse for texting behind the wheel.
If a texting driver causes an accident, a Tallahassee auto accident lawyer could use the distraction as evidence of negligence and a reason for assigning liability. Those injured could be entitled to receive compensation to make up for the accident’s effects, including pain and suffering.
Our Tallahassee Auto Accident Lawyer Helps the Victims of Texting Drivers
Drivers know they should not take their eyes from the road to read or send a text message. Yet, many of them still choose to act irresponsibly. When they do, they should be held liable for the consequences.
If you suffered injuries caused by a driver texting behind the wheel, talk to a Tallahassee auto accident lawyer to learn about your rights and your ability to recover compensation. We offer free consultations and only collect a fee if we can help you receive the damages to which you are entitled. To learn more, call 888-549-7011 or contact us online.
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