We are receiving reports from Fort Lauderdale that Big Tobacco has once again been found guilty of manufacturing defective products. The jury awarded $1.3 million to the plaintiff. Justice is finally catching up to Big Tobacco and they are having to be reminded of the days they encouraged consumers to […]
Driving is serious business. Every time we drive on the highways we need to be sure we are paying attention to the traffic signs, road signs, and the other drivers on the road and we need to make sure the vehicles we are driving are safe. Just because you buy […]
Yamaha drastically changed the design of the Rhino and called it a “utility terrain vehicle”, rather than an “all-terrain vehicle”. Why would Yamaha feel the need to do this? Wikipedia tells us that an all-terrain vehicle is “a vehicle that travels on low pressure tires, with a seat that […]
Lately, not a news cycle turns without an insurance company, a Wall Street firm, a bank or other corporate giant asking for a government bailout with our taxpayer money. Ironically, these are the same Big Corporations that every year aggressively lobby the government to de-regulate their industries to allow for […]
The first tobacco trial of what is termed the “Engle” plaintiffs has resulted in a total verdict for Mrs. Hess and her son in th eamount of $8 million. Big Tobacco’s lawyers, once again, attempted to shift all the blame away from themselves and against Mr. Hess. The jury apparently […]
Did we ask for prepackaged, processed foods? Well, maybe tacitly. These types of products provide longer shelf life in the store and reduce spoliation long term at our homes. The drive for these foods was motivated by both the retail industry as well as consumers. We expect to buy food […]
Today a jury in Fort Lauderdale, Florida found that a long time smoker, Stuart Hess, really was addicted to cigarettes. If you can imagine, Big Tobacco’s lawyers marched into the courtroom and argued that cigarettes were not addictive or, in the alternative, cigarettes were not addictive to Mr. Hess. Mr. […]
When I was younger, I owned a motorcycle. I loved it. The freedom of the road and the wind blowing past you. Leaning the bike through a curve and the thrill of an open, back country road were the pay backs for getting rained on. Back then, I had more […]
One of the most prevalent causes of acute liver failure is drug induced liver injury (DILI) and it has emerged as one of the driving forces for the FDA to disapprove new drugs or withdraw existing drugs. In a post market review by the FDA, they indicated that reports of […]
They are called “nutritional supplements”, “health additives” and “body enhancers”. Whatever the name, make no mistake, these are engineered drugs. The Palm Beach Post had an editorial on Sunday related to an issue that Alyssa Diedwardo has written about a great deal. In fact, Alyssa talked in August of 2008, […]